An Exhaustive Guide to Supplements and Remedies (That Actually Work) — SARAH MACDONNELL
Circle of Life
An Exhaustive Guide to Supplements and Remedies (That Actually Work)

An Exhaustive Guide to Supplements and Remedies (That Actually Work)

The first order of business: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The information I’m sharing I’ve obtained from years of research and interest, other medical professionals (doctors, certified nutritionists, peer-reviewed studies), what is the most current, and what has worked for me. I don’t know your body, and I don’t pretend to know what’s best for you. Health is bioindividual, meaning there is no one-size fits all approach. I would need to work with you 1:1 to assess your individual needs and customize a plan. That being said, there is a foundational formula that I have distilled for you that I believe will help ANYONE start to heal and balance their health.

I want to be clear that supplements cannot fix a shitty diet and lifestyle. Sorry. You can’t treat your body like trash 90% of the time and expect to make up for it with daily vitamins, minerals, and expensive superfoods. Most of the nutrients you need, you can and should get from real, whole, unprocessed food.

Below I cover the core supplements I recommend for everyone—especially the types we can’t get from diet or our body cannot synthesize on it’s own—plus some specific products to address and support particular issues like immunity, detoxification, skin, stress, and brain health. You need to change your diet and your lifestyle if you want to transform your health.

All supplements are not created equal. Quality, absorption and bioavailability vary greatly between brands. The goal is for the body to absorb the maximum nutrients and benefit. The highest quality supplements either come from plant-based, raw sources (a.k.a. real food in concentrated form), or from a few highly researched, funded and reliable labs backed by real studies to prove their efficacy. All should be free from synthetic chemicals, fillers, flavors, as well as gluten, soy, and other allergens. For the most part, vitamins and minerals from whole food-sources are a better bet than their synthetic alternative. Look for vegan brands that have real food on the nutritional label. Avoid purchasing supplements at drugstores like CVS or Walgreens. They are typically low quality, contain inactive ingredients that don’t survive the trip through the gut, and are a waste of money. I list my preferred brands below. Supplementation in the form of adaptogens, mushrooms, traditional herbs, and certain superfoods is a great whole-foods approach to optimizing health and performance, boost energy, and increase vitality.

When we experience symptoms, it is always the result of a deeper issue. It is an opportunity to look more closely at our health. Whether it is repeated infections, viruses, asthma, eczema, acne, anxiety and depression, autoimmune disease, digestive distress, or any other acute or chronic illness, Western medicine will not get to the root cause. Unfortunately, our healthcare system is more of a “sick care” system; with a focus on last resort interventions rather than prevention, we are forced to address health problems only when symptoms become unmanageable and we are left with no other choice. Medical professionals are taught to mask the symptoms, prescribing medication (temporary band-aid fixes at best) without determining how or why the problem occurred or how to prevent it from happening again. I have incredible admiration for doctors, nurses, and the miracle that is modern medicine. We would be nowhere without it. However, healthcare is a billion dollar industry that benefits off of people staying sick, not getting well. It is our responsibility to look for patterns in our own health so we can identify the root cause behind our symptoms.

At the end of the day, taking care of your body is an act of self-respect. You honor your body enough to give it what it needs to continue to serve you. Health is wealth—you can have all the riches in the world, but without your health to enjoy it, you have nothing.

See it as an exciting opportunity to experiment and determine what works for you. But don’t expect immediate results—like with anything, consistency and commitment is key, especially with supplements, herbs and adaptogens. Give yourself a month or more to see if you feel any shifts.

Brands I Trust: Ortho Molecular, Bioptimizers, Quicksilver, Designs for Health, LivOn Labs, Innate Response, Gaia Herbs, Garden of Life, Raintree, Klaire Labs, Microbiome Labs, Seeking Health, Thorne, and Pure Encapsulations (they’re ok).


  1. Whole-Food Multivitamin - cover your bases

  2. Probiotics and Prebiotics - good gut

  3. Vitamin D - can’t get enough from sunlight

  4. Magnesium - sleep, regularity, bone, brain

  5. Omega-3 - oil for the car

  6. Zinc - immune

  7. NAC/Glutathione - master antioxidant

  8. Ashwagandha - stress

Let’s break it down:


Avoid fillers, colorants, coatings, preservatives, sugar, corn syrup, and other toxic chemicals. Always check the label. I don’t recommend gummy vitamins (candy). Other toxic chemicals to look out for are hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, magnesium stearate, and titanium dioxide.


Probiotics are good bacteria that your body and your gut need to stay healthy. The gut is the gateway to everything, from allergies and inflammation to immunity, digestion, brain health, and longevity. A diversity of microbes (“good” bacteria) in the gut is essential. One course of antibiotics can destroy beneficial gut bacteria for up to 2 months. And yes…even foods containing antibiotics will have a negative impact (i.e., all non-organic chicken, etc).

Other gut destroyers: medication of any kind, NSAIDs (Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve), alcohol, smoking, omega-6 inflammatory oils (canola, soybean, sunflower/safflower, etc.), food and environmental toxins, and excessive processed foods. Probiotics help your body rebuild an replenish the good bacteria that has been lost.

When the bad outweighs the good, the result is “dysbiosis”, a problematic bacterial imbalance that can lead to “leaky gut”. Otherwise known as increased intestinal permeability, leaky gut is when the barrier lining of the gut becomes damaged to the point that larger, unfamiliar compounds enter the gut without being broken down first. The gut doesn’t recognize these larger compounds, and as a result, reactions occur that can lead to allergies, sensitivities, digestive distress, chronic inflammation, and more.

You can get probiotics from supplementation or whole-food sources. While dietary probiotics are great and often help with digestion, you need to supplement as well to get adequate amounts. Spore-based probiotics are typically best as they are most likely to survive the trip through the gut without being destroyed.


Fiber sources that ferment in the gut, creating beneficial bioactive compounds that help the good bacteria survive and thrive. Basically, the fuel for probiotics.

Unlike probiotics, you can get adequate prebiotics from food, as long as you are eating the following foods:

  • Sources: onions, garlic, quinoa, amaranth, chicory root, dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks, asparagus, bananas, barley, oats, apples, konjac root (Miracle Noodles), cocoa, burdock root, flaxseeds, yacon root and jicama root.


It is nearly impossible to get the amount of Vitamin D that you need from sunlight, so supplementation is strongly urged, and most people are low. It is a true workhorse, preventing disease and inflammation, regulates the immune system, and plays a role in all of our physiological functions.

When shopping for a supplement, look for D3 over D2 as it is typically more bioavailable. Between 1,000-10,000 IU per day is a good range.


Magnesium is essential for bone health and plays an important role in DNA replication, metabolism, and protein synthesis. Magnesium supports everything from enzymatic reactions to sleep, stress, regularity, migraine reduction, memory, concentration, blood sugar regulation, vitamin D absorption, and the management of inflammation and oxidative stress. And almost everyone is deficient in it. There are a variety of kinds of magnesium to serve different purposes.

#5: OMEGA-3

Anti-inflammatory, supports brain health, heart health, immune system, fetal development, and cardiovascular health, all while diminishing joint pain and decreasing the risk of dementia and cancer. Omega-3 is the healthy oil for our joints, organs, and body systems to keep flowing and working well.

Omega-3 and omega-6 are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, meaning we can’t synthesize them in the body so they must be obtained through diet. We need a balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6—however, Western diets are high in omega-6 (linoleic acid, safflower oil, corn, soy, nuts, seeds) and not enough omega-3 (wild and fatty fish like salmon, sardines, algae, walnuts, chia, flax, pumpkin seeds, pastured eggs), which can cause inflammation and block absorption of omega-3.

Research shows that a high dose supplement of EPA/DHA can increase efficacy of chemotherapy, improve surgical outcomes, reduce cancer risk and decrease inflammatory markers.

#6: ZINC

Immune superpower. Zinc is required for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and is best known to support immunity by boosting the body’s response to infection and inhibiting viral replication. It is crucial to the structure of cellular membranes and required for would healing and skin health.


NAC is a powerful antioxidant and the precursor to Glutathione, our master antioxidant in the body. The activation of both support detoxification, neurological health, reduce inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress, pollutants, and toxins. NAC/Glutathione are the antidote to our toxic, modern world.


The anti-anxiety superherb. Used for over 3.000 years in Ayurvedic medicine. A randomized controlled trial found a 20% reduction in cortisol, and a 40% reduction in perceived stress, compared to the placebo group. I recommend using it during stressful times (max a week, then take a break) but not daily, as you want to avoid building a tolerance.


The above will reduce your risk of getting sick and staying sick. The below are my go-to’s and the first line of attack when I feel something coming on. No matter what you do, don’t TOUCH Emergen-C or Liquid IV. Sugar feeds a cold.

  1. Kick Ass Immune Activator for first defense, Get Over It! for stubborn respiratory symptoms, and more for your specific issue.

  2. Gaia Herbs Quick Defense

  3. Gaia Herbs Oil of Oregano

  4. Wellness Formula (an OG)

  5. Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Spray and Soothing Lozenges

  6. Elderberry: Cymbiotika Liposomal Elderberry, syrup/lozenges with the least added-sugar, only naturally sweetened.

  7. Zinc

  8. Vitamin C: Cymbiotika Liposomal Vitamin C, Innate Response Vitamin C Complete Powder

  9. Homeopathic remedies ColdCalm or ThroatCalm

  10. Amazing herbs: Great Cape Herbs Flu-Fly 4 Tincture (trust—for COVID), Raintree Formulas "Amazon A-V" Capsules (anti-viral), Raintree Formulas "Amazon C-F" Capsules (cold-flu)

  11. Mushroom Immune Support: Host Defense MyCommunity Comprehensive Immune Support: 17 types of super immune-boosting mushrooms.

  12. LMNT Electrolytes: no added-sugar, great taste. NO Emergen-C or Liquid IV.


  1. Plantiva AllerDx - take like Claritin or Zyrtec, or when you feel reactive/inflammatory.

  2. Ortho Molecular “D-Hist” - same, great for all histamine-type reactions

  3. Quercetin - from any solid brand I’ve mentioned


  1. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - take consistently. Precursor to glutathione, master antioxidant, as mentioned above in Core 8.

  2. Ridgecrest Clear Lungs Extra Strength

  3. Wei Laboratories' "EzAir", "Breez", and "Bitters": This company makes extraordinarily effective Chinese medicinal products (their patches for joint/muscle/tendon injuries are also amazing). I suggest contacting them for specific information about your particular issue, but these three are taken in combination to combat asthma, eczema, or a combination of the two. It is a high dose of supplements, but many people who've done the full course have experienced full healing or significant decrease in the severity of their symptoms.


  1. Fresh celery juice first thing in the morning. Will clean you out.

  2. Fresh papaya with/after a meal

  3. For detox: Bulletproof Activated Coconut Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength, Great Cape Herbs Detoxification Formula

  4. For digestion: raw Apple Cider Vinegar (1-2 T in water, must be the one with the “mother” as this is good bacteria, I like Bragg), Triphala, and at bedtime take Magnesium Citrate (good for regular use) and Mag 07 Cleanse (7-10 day stints)

  5. Digestive enzymes: Bioptimizers Masszymes and Klaire Labs' Interfase Plus Enzyme Capsules

  6. Upset stomach: Better Bitters Digestive Tincture (good with Zevia Ginger Ale)

  7. Alpha-Lipoic Acid


  1. The stress of modern society is taxing on our adrenal glands (stress hormone centers). For an all-around great supplement to support them and avoid burnout, check out Innate Adrenal Response Complete Care. It’s great because it has magnesium, vitamin C, and crucial adaptogens/mushrooms including ashwagandha, reishi, rhodiola, holy basil leaf, astragalus, and shishandra berry. Cymbiotika Adrenal Super Tonic is also very powerful.

  2. Magnesium Glycinate is a natural sleep-aid. I like to add magnesium powder to tea or a hot drink before bedtime to help with sleep, "Natural Calm". 1-2 hours before bedtime.

  3. Herbal supplement with the following (in order of importance): passionflower, valerian root, lemon balm, 5-HTP, holy basil, l-theanine, california poppy, hawthorn, hops, chamomile. Take 1-2 hours before bedtime. I like Heaven-NOW, Healing Tranquility, Bonuit Sleep Aid, and Arrae Sleep.

  4. Neuroscience's "Kavinace": For anxiety and sleep. Some people have reported that it is so potent it almost makes them feel sedated. I do no have this experience, but it is very calming and helpful for falling asleep.

  5. Cymbiotika Sleep. Haven’t tried but heard great reviews.

  6. L-Theanine: Happiness in pill form. Take with coffee to avoid jitters and crash, and take before bed with magnesium to support restful sleep.

  7. Cymbiotika Vitamin B12 + B6: Anti-aging, stress-relieving, and energy and mood-boosting.


  1. Beekeeper Naturals Royal Kelly Brain Fuel

  2. Cymbiotika Magnesium L-Threonate

  3. Cymbiotika Vitamin B12 + B6

  4. Cymbiotika “Golden Mind”: aging and brain health bundle

  5. Cymbiotika “For The Workaholic”: self-explanatory bundle

  6. Neurohacker “Qualia Mind”: This is a very potent brain-stimulating supplement that I think is about to blow up. It has almost adderall-like power without the negative side effects. It is helpful for people who are trying to get off stimulants.

  7. Bacopa, a nootropic herb used for longevity and cognitive enhancement. Cymbiotika’s “Golden Mind” contains this, or you can take Bacopa on its own.

  8. Omega-3, see Core above

  9. Spirulina powder

  10. “Bulletproof coffee” with MCT oil and/or grass-fed butter or Ghee and L-Theanine to avoid crash

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