ABOUT | Health Coaching

Circle of Life Diagram of Primary Food

I work with clients to get to the root cause of their symptoms, implement positive lifestyle changes, adopt preventative behaviors, stay accountable, build self-awareness, set affective and achievable goals, identify perceived barriers, explore areas of life that might be out of balance, and facilitate the steps of long-term behavior change.

What is Integrative Health Coaching?

the practice of partnering with clients to guide them on individual wellness transformations

Health information can be confusing, contradictory, and overwhelming—yet, without our health, we have nothing. Most people just don’t know where to start. They don’t know why they’re so tired, or they’re experiencing symptoms that don’t make sense. I am here to make sense of what’s going on and offer a holistic and personalized approach to healing that is flexible, realistic, and approachable. There is no one-size-fits-all model; many avenues to health exist, and what works for one client may not work for another. The goal is to find your unique blueprint for health that allows you to create a life you love for as long as possible.

Rather than simply masking symptoms (the Band-Aid model), the integrative approach prioritizes getting to the root cause of issues and preventing illness before it occurs. By making small consistent changes over time, lasting change happens. 

My coaching style is holistic in the sense that I focus on the whole person. While nutrition is fundamental, it is far from the only factor at play in health. How we nourish ourselves off the plate in areas such as career, relationships, and joy is equally as (if not, more) important than having a perfect diet.

What if I’m not “sick”?

You don’t have to be sick to work with a health coach—quite the contrary. Unfortunately, the model of healthcare in the US does not focus on prevention. What we call “health care” is really “sick-care”: a  system that employs last-resort interventions, overmedicating to mask symptoms rather than finding the root cause, and only addressing issues when quality of life is so low that they cannot be ignored. This is not a system set up for success—it is one that profits off of people getting and staying sick. Instead of supporting our long-term health before problems occur, we’ve been conditioned to ignore red flags and warning signs, slap a Band-Aid on the problem and get back to work. 

What do I offer clients?

I offer comprehensive resources, personalized recommendations, accountability, a formula for setting effective and achievable goals, and a system for reaching those goals. Like an athletic trainer or any other type of coach, health coaches similarly offer support, empowerment, accountability, advice based on your unique body or situation, resources, structure, and the space for clients to build self-awareness, come to their own conclusions, and take ownership of their health.

Beyond that, your program is just that: yours. It is client-led in that we focus on your priorities, and I customized my recommendations and resources to your needs and concerns. My goal as your coach is not prescriptive, nor is my role to "fix", but to partner with you to create the exact conditions for healing and reaching your full potential. Health coaching is a relationship; I function as a channel for my clients to tap into their intuition, discover their power, build self-trust, and heal themselves.

I work with people with all kinds of health concerns, from weight balance, nutrition, fitness, sleep and energy, to stress, digestion, gut health, self-care, relationships, optimizing environment, career change and more. 

For many clients, classic “health” behaviors may not take center stage. They may feel physically well, but are mentally or emotionally struggling in some way. Something else in their life is out of balance, and it’s affecting everything. This falls more under my Life Coaching umbrella (see below), although your program may have a mix of both.

Why do I need health coaching?

To build a healthy, long life, feel good, and continue to perform at the same level for as long as possible, we can no longer be careless about our bodies. These vessels that carry us through life are pretty important. Our genes are not our destiny; through daily habits and behaviors, we have the power to change how our DNA is expressed, in turn preventing disease, rewiring our brain, breaking old habits, and transforming our quality (and quantity) of life.

“Health is wealth” has never been more true. You can have all the money in the world, but without your health to enjoy it, you have nothing. The power of positive lifestyle change, increased longevity, disease prevention, and physical and mental optimization isn’t something to be feared—far from it. Most people don’t realize how much of life they’re missing out on until they actually start feeling good. Our physical bodies are all we have, and they are the vehicle for us to properly get the most out of our lives. The idea that we should prioritize keeping them well is not a crazy concept. 

Figuring out my “formula” for health transformed my life. I hope to support you in doing the same. 

What is Life Coaching?

The reality is that the body and the mind are intrinsically connected. To heal one, we can't ignore the other. While food is fundamental, often there is more below the surface that needs to change for us to step into our power and live deeply meaningful, purposeful lives.

Factors like nervous system regulation, stress management, childhood conditioning, boundaries, relationships, creativity, and all the other ways we nourish ourselves OFF the plate (I.e., non-food related) often take the stage for many clients’ healing journey. So many people are doing all the "right" things in their life from a nutritional or exercise standpoint but are unsatisfied with life because something else is out of balance, or they are cyclically repeating toxic behaviors that feel out of control. 

My practice blends health coaching and life coaching because the truth is, everyone’s needs and goals are different. Some people want to lose weight, others want to heal personal relationships and release anger and resentment in their life. Everything is connected. For many clients, working on areas of their life that are seemingly unconnected to health is the catalyst for true mental, physical and emotional healing.


I offer a free 60-minute Consultation to get to know each other, hear more about your goals, walk you through my program, and determine if it’s a good fit. If you’re not sure if coaching is right for you, this is a great opportunity to ask questions and find out how my program can support you. 

Email me at inhcsarah@gmail.com to book your complimentary consultation!